I enjoy sharing with people that as a swimmer about 60% of my training was done out of the pool. For any athlete living with diabetes, at any level, it is imperative to have a good pair of “trainers”. Is it too much to ask that a good pair of diabetes friendly sneakers be good looking too?"
Fortunately, vendors that deal with diabetic are starting to get it. They are developing lines that incorporate style and function. Flying Virgin Air on the way back from Seattle it struck me that even the in coach class on a red eye style and attitude can dramatically affect the experience. They payed attention to lighting, eliminate the stock airline stewardess 2 finger point to the nearest exit in favor of a more friendly graphic presentation on the multi-use movie screen in front of your seat and convey a relaxed fun attitude.
Fear has it's place as a wake up call in certain cases but the unfamiliar will not help them comply when it comes to equipment. How much of what we dispense is actually worn at home? It turns out prescriptive shoes are only worn about 15% of the time in the home according to research by David Armstrong DPM . Appliances are only used about 25 % of the time.
In an uncertain fast changing world People are more comfortable with things that they are familiar to them. In Martin Lindstrom's New York Times bestseller, Buy-Ology he attributes this phenomona to the ritualistic behavior that becomes attached to branding. It explains why people engage in tribal behaviors as well.
It's a lot more reassuring to trudging through the morning commute to be part of the "Apple Community" with an army of I-Phone users. The natural conclusion is that positive peer pressure and coming up with ritualistic hooks may be the key for less motivated diabetic would be athletes. The World Fit program is an example of positive peer pressure in action. At it's outset it was targeting middle school kids with a monitored walking program to combat obesity. Olympic athletes are involved as positive role models and Gary Hall Sr., also a former Olympic swimmer is one of the principal organizers. The unexpected benefit was that adults started participating in the program as well because of their kids. What happened here?
In one sense a subculture was created. If we look at how strong that subculture can reinforce branding (think about a loyal legion of Harley Davidson riders) it may help us understand how we can create a subculture of diabetics as athletes instead of passive patients.
A Clockwork Orange and Compliance
The brutal movie, "A Clockwork Orange" explored how we are wired to do certain things like clockwork
without consciously thinking about them and the limits to which behaviors can be conditioned. Conditioning and association can be so powerful it can even affect our memory. There was a study done where people were able to remember a series of playing cards that had normal colors and symbols better than a a deck that had a reversed color scheme; red spades, black hearts etc. This helps explains why it can be so difficult to change behaviors to new ones when they are completely unfamiliar.
Our routines are also somewhat wired. Consider the data on stopping and starting on ulcer formation t just presented in Seattle. Apparently. takeoff shearing is the most destructive factor. If the routine is to get up and change the channel on the TV because the remote has a dead battery a series of such routines can profoundly affect an outcome. To that end, solutions that deal with that takeoff shearing would be something vendors could focus on in addition to our patients' lifestyle change.